Maren Podszun, Ph.D.


June 2015 - Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.) in Nutritional Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

Thesis: The impact of vitamin E on xenobiotic metabolism and hepatic lipid accumulation

November 2011 - Diploma in Nutritional Sciences (equivalent to M.Sc.), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

Thesis: Development and partial validation of a high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC-ECD) method for the quantification of atorvastatin and metabolites.

Professional experience

Since 2024: Senior Researcher and Group Leader, Department of Food Biofunctionality,  Institute of Nutritional Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

2021-2023: Stand-in professor of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

2020 -2021: Assistant lecturer, Institute of Nutritional Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

2016 - 2020: Postdoctoral researcher at the National Institutes of Health, USA

December 2011 - December 2015: Doctoral student, Division Biofunctionality and Safety of Food, Institute of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

September 2012 - November 2012: Guest researcher, Institute of Chemistry, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

Awards and affiliations

2022 - Excellence in Teaching Award of the University of Hohenheim

2020 - GVF Vitamin Preis 2020

2016 - Professor Wild Award

2012 - Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service

Member of the Society of Nutrition and Food Science

Member of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Member of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Original articles

Delgas F., Bitsch L., König L.M., Beitze D.E., Scherbaum V., Podszun MC. (2024) Dietary supplement use among lactating mothers following different dietary patterns - an online survey. Matern Health Neonatol Perinatol 10: 3.

Delgas F., Lederer A., Holzäpfel S., Podszun M.C. (2023) Dietary supplements during lactation – the more the merrier? Ernährungs-Umschau International 70: 63.

Velenosi, T. J., Ben-Yakov, G., Podszun, M. C., Hercun, J., Etzion, O., Yang, S., Nadal C., Haynes-Williams V., Huang W.A., González-Hódar L., Brychta R.J., Takahashi S., Akkaraju V., Krausz K.W., Walter M., Cai H., Walter P.J., Muniyappa R., Chen K.Y., Gonzalez F.J., Rotman, Y. (2022) Postprandial Plasma Lipidomics Reveal Specific Alteration of Hepatic-derived Diacylglycerols in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Gastroenterology, 162: 1990-2003, IF 25.7.

Ma, Y., Karki, S., Brown, P. M., Lin, D. D., Podszun, M. C., Zhou, W., Belyaeva, O. V., Kedishvili, N. Y. & Rotman, Y. (2020) Characterization of essential domains in HSD17B13 for cellular localization and enzymatic activity. J Lipid Res 61: 1400-1409, IF 4.483.

Podszun, M. C., Alawad, A. S., Lingala, S., Morris, N., Huang, W. A., Yang, S., Schoenfeld, M., Rolt, A., Ouwerkerk, R., Valdez, K., Umarova, R., Ma, Y., Fatima, S. Z., Lin, D. D., Mahajan, L. S., Samala, N., Violet, P. C., Levine, M., Shamburek, R., Gharib, A. M., Kleiner, D. E., Garraffo, H. M., Cai, H., Walter, P. J. & Rotman, Y. (2020) Vitamin E treatment in NAFLD patients demonstrates that oxidative stress drives steatosis through upregulation of de-novo lipogenesis  Redox Biol 37: 101710, IF 9.986.

Podszun M. C., Chung, J. Y., Ylaya, K., Kleiner, D. E., Hewitt, S. M. & Rotman, Y. (2020) 4-HNE Immunohistochemistry and Image Analysis for Detection of Lipid Peroxidation in Human Liver Samples Using Vitamin E Treatment in NAFLD as a Proof of Concept. J Histochem Cytochem68: 635-643, IF 2.187.

Ma, Y., Brown, P. M., Lin, D. D., Ma, J., Feng, D., Belyaeva, O. .V, Podszun, M. C., Roszik, J., Allen, J., Umarova, R., Kleiner, D. E., Kedishvili, N. Y., Gavrilova, O., Gao, B. & Rotman, Y. (2020) Hsd17b13 Deficiency Does not Protect Mice From Obesogenic Diet Injury. Hepatology (published online), IF 14.679.

Suresh, R.R., Jain, S., Chen, Z., Tosh, D.K., Ma, Y., Podszun, M. C., Rotman, Y., Salvemini, D. & Jacobson, K.A. (2020) Design and in vivo activity of A 3 adenosine receptor agonist prodrugs. Purinergic Signal 16: 367-377, IF 3.065.

Anaya, K., Podszun, M.,Gadelha, C., Franco, O. L. & Frank, J. (2020) The coconut water antimicrobial peptide CnAMP1 is taken up into intestinal cells but does not alter P-glycoprotein expression and activity. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 75: 396-403, IF 2.598.

Irías-Mata, A., Sus, N., Flory, S., Stock, D.,Woerner, D., Podszun, M. & Frank, J. (2018) α-Tocopherol transfer protein does not regulate the cellular uptake and intracellular distribution of α- and γ-tocopherols and -tocotrienols in cultured liver cells. Redox Biology 19: 28-36, IF 7.793.

Podszun, M. C., Jakobi, M., Birringer, M., Weiss, J. & Frank, J. (2016) The long chain α–tocopherol metabolite α-13’-COOH and γ-tocotrienol induce P-glycoprotein expression and activity by activation of the pregnane X receptor in the intestinal cell line LS 180. Mol Nutr Food Res, IF 4.551.

Podszun, M. C., Grebenstein, N., Spruss, A., Schlueter, T., Kremoser, C., Bergheim, I., & Frank, J. (2014) Dietary α-tocopherol and atorvastatin reduce high-fat-induced lipid-accumulation and down-regulate CD36 protein in the liver of guinea pigs. J Nutr Biochem 25: 573-579, IF 4.592.

Podszun, M. C., Grebenstein, N., Hofmann, U., & Frank, J. (2013) High-dose supplementation with natural α-tocopherol does neither alter the pharmacodynamics of atorvastatin nor its phase I metabolism in guinea pigs. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 266: 452-458,IF 4.447.

Review articles

Podszun M.C. (2024) Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD): time to get familiar with the new name for NAFLD. Nutr Res 126: 11-13, IF 3.4.

Civelek, M., Podszun, M.C. (2022). Genetic factors associated with response to vitamin E treatment in NAFLD. Antioxidants 11: 1284.

Frank, J., Kisters, K., Stirban, O. A., Obeid, R., Lorkowski, S., Wallert, M., Egert, S., Podszun, M. C., Eckert, G. P., Pettersen, J. A., Venturelli, S., Classen, H. G. & Golombek, J. (2021) The role of biofactors in the prevention and treatment of age-related diseases. BioFactors, IF 6.113.

Podszun, M.C.  & Frank, J. (2021) Impact of vitamin E on redox biomarkers in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Redox Biology 42: 101937, IF 11.799.   

Podszun, M. C. & Frank, J. (2014) Vitamin E-drug interactions - molecular basis and clinical relevance. Nutr Res Rev 27: 215-231, IF 3.861.


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