Felipe Jiménez-Aspee, Ph.D.

My Research

Felipe Jiménez-Aspee was born in 1988 in Viña del Mar, Chile. He studied Chemistry and Pharmacy at Universidad de Valparaiso, Chile, where he graduated with honors in 2012. In 2012, he moved to Talca, Chile, where he worked on his PhD thesis under the supervision of Dr. Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann at the Natural Products Laboratory, Universidad de Talca. He completed his Ph.D. degree working in phenolic profiles and bioactivity of Chilean native fruits in 2016 and was appointed as Assistant Professor at Universidad de Talca in August of the same year. In 2019, he was awarded with an Alexander von Humboldt grant for postdoctoral studies at the University of Hohenheim, Germany, under the supervision of Dr. Jan Frank, where he is currently appointed as Associate Researcher through funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Dr. Jiménez-Aspee research interests are the research and development of bioactive constituents in food matrices, the isolation of polar compounds from food sources using counter-current chromatography, the characterization of food extracts using liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. Currently, its postdoctoral studies focus on the in vitro and in vivo bioavailability of iridoids.

Current and past research projects

August 2023 - present: “Identification of absorption mechanisms and pre-systemic metabolism of monotropein esters from Gaultheria berries”. DFG: German Research Foundation JI 411/1-1.

2021: Fractionation of anthocyanins and co-pigments from Gaultheria berries by cationic exchange chromatography. Seed Grant, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

2020-2022: “In vitro and in vivo bioavailability of iridoids from Chilean Gaultheria berries”. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2019-2022: “Can the direct inoculation of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi modify the profiles and quantity of antioxidant compounds in flesh colored potatoes cropped under drought and P starvation conditions?”. CO-Investigator, FONDECYT, Chile.

2017-2020: “Phenolic metabolome of Chilean native nuts and seeds: antioxidant activity and inhibitory effect on key enzymes associated with metabolic syndrome”. Co-Investigator, FONDECYT, Chile.

2017-2019: “Phenolic content and composition from chaura berries (Gaultheria phillyreifolia and G. poeppigii): antioxidant activity and effect on carbohydrate metabolism using cell and enzymatic models”. Principal Investigator, FONDECYT, CONICYT, Chile.

Education and professional experience

August 2023 - present: Researcher (DFG position), Department of Food Biofunctionality, Institute of Nutritional Sciences, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

September 2022 - July 2023: Post-doctoral Fellow, Institute of Nutritional Medicine, Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany.

May 2020 – July 2022: Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

September 2016 – December 2019: Research Associate and Lecturer, Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences, University of Talca, Chile

January – March 2018: Full-time internship on LC-MS analysis of polyphenols; Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

March – June 2015: Full-time internship on chromatographic isolation of polyphenols; Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

June 2012 – May 2016: PhD in Sciences with a focus on the research and development of bioactive compounds, Universidad de Talca, Chile

March 2006 – April 2012: Professional degree in Chemistry and Pharmacy (6-year program), Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile


51. Tapia, G*. Gonzalez, M., Mendez, J., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Arrey, O., Carrasco, O., Nina, N., Salas-Burgos, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Arevalo, B. (2024). Transcriptome análisis reveals biosynthesis and regulation of flavonoid in common bean seeds during grain filling. BMC Plant Biology 24, 916

50. Eckhof, P., Márquez, K., Kruger, J., Nina, N., Ramirez-Jara, E., Frank, J., Jiménez-Aspee, F.* (2024). Bioaccessibility of carotenoids, tocochromanols, and iron from common vean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces. Food Research International 194, 114935

 49. Peña, F., González, F., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Bustamante, L., & Ruiz, A. (2024). Stability of bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in rosehip juice (Rosa spp.). Molecules 29(11), 2448.  

48. Lauer, L.A., Mieres-Castro, D., Schmalle, V., Frank, J., & Jiménez-Aspee, F.* (2024). Cytoprotective effects of iridoids from Gaultheria spp. berries in gastric and intestinal epithelial cells after in vitro digestion. Food Bioscience 57, 103587.  

47. Bravo, C., Peña, F., Nahuelcura, J., Vidal, C., González, F., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Bustamante, L., Contreras, B., Ruiz, A. (2023). Stability of Phenolic Compounds, Antioxidant Activity and Color Parameters in Colored-Flesh Potato Chips. Molecules 28(16), 6047

46. Antileo-Laurie, J., Theoduloz, C., Burgos-Edwards, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Márquez, K., Fischer, M., & Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.* (2023). Antioxidant capacity and inhibition of metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes by Cryptocaria alba fruits. Food Research International, 173, 113343

47. Eckhof, P., Márquez, K., Kruger, J., Nina, N., Ramirez, E., Frank, J. & Jiménez-Aspee, F. (2024) Bioaccessibility of tocochromanols, carotenoids and iron from Chilean common bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. landraces with varying seed coat color. Food Res Int (accepted for publication), IF 7.0.

46. Antileo-Laurie, J., Theoduloz, C., Burgos-Edwards, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Márquez, K., Fischer, M., & Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.* 2023. Antioxidant capacity and inhibiton of metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes by Cryptocaria alba fruits. Food Research International (accepted manuscript).

45. Peña, F., Valencia, S., Tereucán, F., Nahuelcura, J., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Cornejo, P., Ruiz, A.*. 2023. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in the fruit of rosehip (Rosa canina L. and Rosa rubiginosa L.). Molecules 28(8), 3544

44. Nina, N., Theoduloz, C., Tapia, G., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Márquez, K., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. 2023. Changes in polyphenol composition, antioxidant activity and enzyme inhibition in Phaseolus vulgaris L. submitted to hydric stress. Scientia Horticulturae 317, 112070.

43. Nina, N., Theoduloz, C., Paillan, H., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Márquez, K., Schuster, K., Becker, L., Oellig, C., Frank, J., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.* 2023. Chemical profile and bioactivity of Chilean bean landraces (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).  Journal of Functional Foods 104, 105513.

42. Fernández-Galleguillos, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Mieres-Castro, D., Rodríguez-Núñez, Y.A., Gutiérrez, M, Guzmán, L., Echeverría, J., Sandoval-Yañez, C., & Forero-Doria, O.* (2023). Phenolic profile and cholinesterase inhibitory properties of three Chilean Altiplano plants: Clinopodium gilliesii (Benth.) Kuntze [Lamiaceae], Mutisia acuminata Ruiz & Pav. Var. Hirsuta (Meyen) Cabrera, and Tagetes multiflora (Kunth) [Asteraceae]. Plants 12, 819.

41. Márquez, K.*, Jiménez-Aspee, F., Márquez, N., Salgado, P., Contreras, D. (2022). Use of NIR spectroscopy and multivariate regression for prediction of pentosan content in wood pulp. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 81, 547-555

40.  Jiménez-Aspee, F.*, Pospiech, J., Bauer, S., Sus, N., Kufer, T. and Frank, J. (2023) Prumnopitys andina fruit extract activates liver X receptors after in vitro digestion. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 67, 2200377

39. Forero-Doria, O., Guzman, L., Jimenez-Aspee, F., Echeverria, J., Wehinger, S., Valenzuela, C., Araya-Maturana, R., & Martinez-Cifuentes, M. (2022). An in vitro and in silico study of antioxidant properties of curcuminoid N-alkylpyridinium salts: initial assessment of their antitumoral properties. Antioxidants 11, 1104.

38. Ballesta, P., Ahmar, S., Lobos, G.A., Mieres-Castro, D., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Mora-Poblete, F. (2022). Heritable variation of foliar spectral reflectance enhances genomic prediction of hydrogen cyanide in a genetically structured population of Eucalyptus. Frontiers in Plant Science 13.

37. Mieres-Castro, D., Theoduloz, C., Sus, N., Burgos-Edwards, A., Schmeda-Hirschmann, H., Frank, J, Jiménez-Aspee, F. (2022) Iridoids and polyphenols from Chilean Gaultheria spp. berries decrease the glucose uptake in Caco-2 cells after simulated gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry 369: 130940.

36. Ávila, F., Ravello, N., Manriquez, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Theoduloz, C. 2021. Therman treatment of phenolics from the Patagonian currant Ribes cucullatum: effects on its antiglycating activity. Antioxidants 10: 665.

35.Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.*, Antileo-Laurie, J., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Avila, F., Burgos-Edwards, A., Olate-Olave, V. 2021 Phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of raw and boiled Chilean Araucaria araucana kernels. Food Chemistry, 350, 129241.

34. Mora-Poblete, F.*, Ballesta, P., Lobos, G., Molina-Montenegro, M., Gleadow, R., Ahmar, S., Jiménez-Aspee, F. 2021. Genome-wide association study of cyanogenic glycosides, proline, sugars and pigments in Eucalyptus cladocalyx after eighteen consecutive dry summers. Physiologia Plantarum.

33. Mieres-Castro, D., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Theoduloz, C., Piderit, D., Rojas, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F. (2020) Isolation and characterization of secondary metabolites from Gaultheria tenuifolia berries. Journal of Food Science 85, 2792-2802.

32. Quesada-Romero, L., Fernández-Galleguillos, C., Bergmann, J., Amorós, M.E., Jiménez-Aspee, F., González, A., Simirgiotis, M., Rossini, C. (2020) Phenolic fingerprinting, antioxidant, and deterrent potentials of Persicaria maculosa extracts. Molecules 25, 3054.

31. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., de Andrade, J.P., Jiménez-Aspee, F., & Mieres-Castro, D. 2020. A cyclic dipeptide from the Chilean hazelnut cotyledons (Gevuina avellana Mol., Proteaceae). Scientific Reports 10: 7070.

30. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Echeverría, J. 2020. Bioactive constituents from South American Prosopis and their use and toxicity. Current Pharmaceutial Design 26: 542-555.

29. Orqueda, M.E., Torres, S., Zampini, I.C., Cattaneo, F., Fernandez Di Pardo, A., Valle, E.M., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Isla, M.I. 2020. Integral use of Argentinean Solanum betaceum red fruits as functional ingredient to prevent metabolic syndrome: effect of in vitro simulated gastroduodenal digestion. Heliyon 6, e03387.

28. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Burgos-Edwards, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Mieres-Castro, D., Theoduloz, C., Pormetter, L., Foger, R., Céspedes, C., Soria, N., Valdez, S. (2020). Iridoids and amino acid derivatives from the Paraguayan crude drug Adenocalymma marginatum (ysypó hu). Molecules, 25, 180.

27. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Pormetter, L., Mettke, J., Ávila, F., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2019). Andean Prumnopitys andina (Podocarpacae) fruit extracts: characterization of secondary metabolites and potential cytoprotective effect. Molecules, 24, 4028.

26. Ávila, F., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Cruz, N., Gómez, C., Gonzalez, M.A., Ravello, N. (2019) Additive effect of Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) and lemon (Citrus x limon) juice in the postprandial glycemic responses after the intake of high glycemic index meals in healthy men. NFS Journal 17, 8-16.

25. Chamorro, M., Reiner, G., Theoduloz, C., Ladio, A., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Gómez-Alonso, S., Jiménez-Aspee, F.(2019) Polyphenol composition and (bio)activity of Berberis species and wild strawberry from the Argentinean Patagonia. Molecules 24, E3331.

24. Burgos-Edwards, A., Martín-Pérez, L., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Larrosa, M. (2019). Anti-inflammatory effect of polyphenols from Chilean currants (Ribes magellanicum and R. punctatum) after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on Caco-2 cells: anti-inflammatory activity of in vitro digested Chilean currants. J Funct Foods 59, 329-336.

23. Pino Ramos, L.L., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Burgos-Edwards, A., Domínguez-Perles, R., Oger, C., Durand, T., Gil-Izquierdo, A., Bustamante, L., Mardones, C., Márquez, K., Contreras, D., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2019). Phenolic, oxylipin and fatty acid profiles of the Chilean hazelnut (Gevuina avellana): antioxidant activity and inhibition of pro-inflammatory and metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes. Food Chemistry 298, 125026.

22. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Ladio, A. (2019). Patagonian berries as native food and medicine. J Ethnopharmacol 241, 111979.

21. Thomas-Valdes, S., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2019) Effect of simulated gastrointestinal digestion on polyphenols and bioactivity of the native Chilean red strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis ssp. chiloensis f. patagonica). Food Res Int 123, 106-114.

20. Mieres-Castro, D., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Theoduloz, C., Gómez-Alonso, S., Pérez-Navarro, J., Márquez, K., Jiménez-Aspee, F. (2019) Antioxidant activity and the isolation of polyphenols and new iridoids from Chilean Gaultheria phillyreifolia and G. poeppigii berries. Food Chemistry 291, 167-169.

19. Theoduloz, C., Alzate-Morales, J., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Isla, M.I., Alberto, M.R., Pertino, M.W., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. Inhibition of key enzymes in the inflammatory pathway by hybrid molecules of terpenes and synthetic drugs: in vitro and in silico studies. Chem Biol Drug Design 93, 290-299.

18. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Burgos-Edwards, A., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Vargas-Arana, G. (2018) Male sexual enhancers from the Peruvian Amazon. J Ethnopharmacol 229:167-179.

17. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Gómez-Alonso, S., Hermosín-Gutiérrez, I., Reyes, M., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2018). Polyphenolic profile and antioxidant activity of meristem and leaves from “chagual” (Puya chilensis Mol.), a salad from central Chile. Food Res Int 114: 90-96.

16. Theoduloz, C., Burgos-Edwards, A., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Jiménez-Aspee, F.(2018): Polyphenols from wild Chilean currants (Ribes spp.) increase the activity of intracellular antioxidant enzymes in human gastric AGS cells. Food Bioscience 24: 80-88.

15. Burgos-Edwards, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2018). Colonic fermentation of polyphenols from Chilean currants (Ribes spp.) and its effect on antioxidant capacity and metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes. Food Chem 258: 144-155.

14. Thomas-Valdés, S., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Burgos-Edwards, A., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2018): Changes in polyphenol composition and bioactivity of the native Chilean white strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis spp. chiloensis f. chiloensis) after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Res Int 105: 10-18.

13. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Soriano, M.D.P.C., Ugalde-Arbizu, M., Alberto, M.R., Zampini, I.C., Isla, M.I., Simirgiotis, M.J., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2017): The native fruit Geoffroea decorticans from arid northern Chile: phenolic composition, antioxidant activities and in vitro inhibition of pro-inflammatory and metabolic syndrome-associated enzymes. Molecules 22: 1565.

12. Burgos-Edwards, A., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Thomas-Valdés, S., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Theoduloz, C. (2017): Qualitative and quantitative changes in polyphenol composition and bioactivity of Ribes magellanicum and R. punctatum after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chem 237: 1073-1082.

11. Torres-Carro, R., Isla, M.I., Thomas-Valdes, S., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Alberto, M.R. (2017): Inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes by medicinal plants from the Argentinean highlands (Puna). J Ethnopharmacol 205: 57-68.

9. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Vieira, M.N., Rodríguez-Werner, M.A., Schmalfuss, E., Winterhalter, P., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2016): Phenolics from the Patagonian currants Ribes spp.: Isolation, characterization and cytoprotective effect in human AGS cells. J Functional Foods 26: 11-26.

8. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Ávila, F., Thomas-Valdés, S., Mardones, C., von Baer, D., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2016): The Chilean wild raspberry (Rubus geoides Sm.) increases intracellular GSH content and protects against H2O2 and methylglyoxal-induced damage in AGS cells. Food Chem 194: 908-919.

7. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Thomas-Valdés, S., Schulz, A., Ladio, A.H., Theoduloz, C., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2016): Antioxidant activity and phenolic profiles of the wild currant Ribes magellanicum from Chilean and Argentinean Patagonia. Food Science & Nutrition 4, 595-610.

6. Nina, N.V., Quispe, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Giménez, A., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2016): Chemical profiling and antioxidant activity of Bolivian propolis. J Sci Food Agric 96, 2142-2153.

5. Nina, N., Quispe, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Theoduloz, C., Feresín, G.E., Lima, B., Leiva, E., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2015): Antibacterial activity, antioxidant effect and chemical composition of propolis from the Region del Maule, central Chile. Molecules 20, 18144-18167.

4. Schmeda-Hirschmann, G., Quispe, C., Soriano, M.D.P.C., Theoduloz, C., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Perez, M.J., Cuello, A.S., Isla, M.I. (2015): Chilean Prosopis mesocarp flour: phenolic profiling and antioxidant activity. Molecules. 20:7017-7033.

3. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Alberto, M.R., Quispe, C., Soriano, M.D.P.C., Theoduloz, C., Zampini, I.C., Isla, M.I., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2015): Anti-inflammatory activity of Copao (Eulychnia acida Phil., Cactaceae) fruits. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 70: 135-140.

2. Jiménez-Aspee, F., Quispe, C., Soriano, M.D.P.C., Fuentes-Gonzalez, J., Hüneke, E., Theoduloz, C., Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (2014): Antioxidant activity and characterization of constituents in copao fruits (Eulychnia acida Phil., Cactaceae) by HPLC–DAD–MS/MSn. Food Res Int 62: 286-298.

1. Cortes, M.P., Álvarez, R., Sepúlveda, E., Jiménez-Aspee, F., Astudillo, L., Vallejos, G., Gutiérrez, M. (2014). A new isoxazolic compound act as a7 nicotinic receptor agonist in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 69c, 291-299.
